时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本:TIME GOES BY全都是高清扫描绘本,内容非常清晰,宝爸宝妈可以打印出来定装成册,比原版便宜好多呢(亚马逊上一册基本都是60元多)。此套绘本你可以把他当成故事来给宝宝读,也可以当成科普类的读物,比如《A Day at a Zoo》动物园的一天,描述的是动物园里一天发生的事情,6点起床,8点新的一天,10点开园等等;由于是全英语描述,所以对宝宝的英文阅读能力要求比较高,宝爸宝妈也可以陪着宝宝一起阅读,讲解给他听,一起亲子阅读了!
时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本,TIME GOES BY系列绘本目录:
1、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Day at a Zoo
第一本试看下载链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bprIxC7 密码: zu6v
简介:Monkeys! Seals! Tigers! Check out these eight action-packed scenes to see what happens during a full day at a busy zoo. In each picture, the zoo buzzes with activity. Visitors, zookeepers, and animals move from place to place. Look for the changes that happen. Keep your eye on the clock too. By spending a whole day in the same place, you can watch events unfold from morning to night.
2、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Day at an Airport
简介:Tickets please! Final boarding call! Check out these eight action-packed scenes to see what happens during a full day at a busy airport. In each picture, the airport buzzes with activity. Workers chase dogs and check luggage. Travelers shop and sleep. Famous people come and go. Keep your eye on the clock too. By spending a whole day in the same place, you can watch events unfold from morning to night.
3、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A day in a City
简介:Traffic jams, news stands, and theater fans, oh my! Check out eight action-packed scenes to see what happens during a full day in a busy city. Peek inside a school, an apartment building, a theater, a museum, and more. Keep your eye on the clock too. By spending a whole day in a city, you can watch events unfold from morning to night.
4、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Year at a Construction Site
简介:Send in the cranes! Bulldozers! Earthmovers! Would you like to watch how a building goes up? During the next twelve months, these construction workers are building a school. Check out these eight action-packed scenes for a bird's-eye view of the whole process. See how the workers make the foundation, add the walls, and put on the roof. Keep your eye on the calendar too. By spending a whole year at the building site, you can watch events unfold until the school is ready for students and teachers.
5、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Year at a Farm
简介:Horses! Ducks! Cows! Would you like to see what happens during a year at a farm? Then come spend the next twelve months at this farm. Check out eight action-packed scenes for a bird's-eye view of spring planting, a summer festival, and an autumn harvest. Look out for an escaped cow and a surprise landing by a hot air balloon. Keep your eye on the calendar too. By spending a whole year at a farm, you can watch events unfold as the seasons change.
6、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Year in a Castle
简介:Lower the drawbridge! Would you like to know what life was like in a castle long ago? Then come spend the next twelve months in this castle. Check out eight action-packed scenes for a bird's-eye view of the life and work of lords, ladies, knights, maids, and more. See the castle on market day and during an attack by an enemy lord. Watch knights compete in a tournament. Keep your eye on the calendar too. By spending a whole year in a castle, you can watch events unfold as the seasons change.
7、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Year in the World of Dinosaurs
简介:Look out for the Allosaurus Would you like to see what happens during a year in the world of dinosaurs? Then come spend the next twelve months in the Jurassic period. Check out eight action-packed scenes for a bird's-eye view of babies hatching, plesiosaurs swimming, and dinosaurs escaping from a forest fire. Keep your eye on the calendar too. By spending a whole year in the world of dinosaurs, you can watch events unfold as the seasons change.
8、时间流逝系列儿童科普绘本_A Year on a Pirate Ship
简介:Ahoy, mates Would you like to know what life is like on a pirate ship? Then come live on board for the next twelve months. Check out these eight action-packed scenes for a bird's-eye view of the life and work of pirates on the open seas. See how the pirates attack a ship, deal with a whale, and handle a storm. Keep your eye on the calendar too. By spending a whole year with the pirate crew, you can watch events unfold as the seasons change.
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